
I am often asked what is my favourite wedding flower. I always answer as a florist I love all flower, however, some blooms hold more of a place in my heart than others. The stunning peony, however, hold the biggest place. This bloom never fails to deliver. The amazing thing about peonies is that they live for an astounding 40 to 50 years, and require very little attention.

Peony Botanical Illustration

Peony Botanical Illustration

They survive in the harshest winters, love drought conditions and don’t mind a nibble from a rabbit or the odd deer. Then year after year they produce, without fail, stunning blooms that have such depth and joy in their amazing vibrant colour range.

With their short season between late October to mid-December, adding to the wonder of the peony, I have had clients decided their wedding date to fit within the Peony season.

The beauty of peonies is the colour choice with true whites, corals, vibrant pinks along with deep purples and breathtaking reds, there are wonderful ways that peonies can set the scene for any style of celebration. One thing to keep in mind with using this bloom is the weight they carry. The steam of the peony is a thick woody style and the double bloom carry a massive amount of petals giving them their magic texture. A large bouquet can be very heavy and seem more like a gym work out, however, it is a statement!! This is the only fault I can give these perfect wedding flower.

perfect wedding peony bouquet